Rochester Orienteering Club

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  • RIT Sprint Festival

RIT Sprint Festival


  • Extra maps will be available for purchase at the meet for $1.00 per map.
  • Extra maps will be available for purchase at the meet for $1.00 per map.
  • If you are signed up to volunteer you will be sent a code for your entry. Thank you for volunteering!
    If you did not receive a code please email Steve Tylock.

You can pay online OR hit the 'Invoice Me' button to pay at the meet.

RIT - Parking in C Lot in general/reserved spots and meeting on the south and west side of Gracie's | Map Link 

What's a Sprint? Fear not if you are new to orienteering! A Sprint is an orienteering course with relatively shorter distances between flags than you would find on a traditional course and it is often done in a more urban setting like a college campus. For competitive folks a Sprint means getting around a course as fast as possible. If you're new to orienteering or not a runner you can do a Sprint course at your usual pace. In fact, you may find a Sprint course to be a great training tool for you, so don't let the name scare you away. There will also be the option of a regular beginner's course.

Register online or come in plenty of time to register as everyone starts at 6:15. Our orange and white signs will direct you to the start of the event.

5:30-6: Registration
6:15 Mass Start
7:45 Courses Close

The RIT sprint festival will give you the option to run multiple sprints (legs) in any order with brief rest times between legs.  If you prefer to run a single traditional sprint course, you can choose to run any sprint leg by itself. The sprints will feature quick thinking with multiple routes to choose from navigating around buildings with stair, ramps, short overpasses  walls, gardens, some open spaces, and even a tiger.

Sprint Legs
A 2.6 km, 12 controls, distances are length of best path and not how the bird flies
B 1.6 km, 9 controls
C 2.5 km, 13 controls

Long (Red): Legs A, B, C any order
Medium (Green/Orange): Legs A & C any order
Short (Brown): Legs B & C any order
Beginner (White/Yellow): Beginner (1.7 km, 10 controls)

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