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Rotary Sunshine Camp and Oak Openings
Clinic: 9:15am to 9:45am
Event Registration: 10 am to 10:45
Starts: 10am to 11am
Courses Close: 1pm
Courses Available:
White / Yellow / Orange / Brown / Red
Course Setter's Notes:
For our first regular meet of the year, we will return to the Rotary Sunshine Campus and Oak Openings land. This gives us a wide variety of terrain to navigate - among the buildings of the campus, through open woods, and across fields of varying levels of growth. Getting out early in the season will make more land navigable than usual as well! Linda Kohn will be running a clinic for intermediate and advanced orienteers, and beginner instruction will be available as always!
Instruction is available at all events, just ask at the registration table. Feel free to bring friends and family.
Pre-packaged snacks, fruit and jugs of water/Gatorade will be available.
Don't forget to sign up to volunteer and pre-register.
See you in the woods!
Information and registration at this webpage
Open to all; must pre-register
National Ranking Event
Ultra-Long courses 50% longer than normal. The event will feature a wave start for people in the same age groups. A Saturday Sprint Doubleheader NRE hosted by BFLO has also been sanctioned.
Recreational Courses option that is perfect for a casual participant or for someone who just wants to see what the fun is all about. Along side our National event we are hosting full details here
White - Beginner
Yellow - Advanced Beginner
Come before 9:00 and see the wave starts those running in the National event. Will begin sending Rec courses off some time after when ready around 10:00.
Refreshments will be available afterwards.