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Webster Park (Parkview Lodge) - Event and Annual Meeting
Sunday December 8th
Event - 1:30 to 3pm
Annual Meeting - 3pm Please stay for this short meeting (we must have a certain number of members) **There will be dessert**
Course Setter Notes:
The event will be several "memory-O" courses. Difficultly will vary from easy to advanced, but no course will be very long. Think sprint distance, or even shorter. Participants will never carry a map. Instead, partial maps will be available to view at checkpoints. Study the map, figure out where to go next, and leave the map behind. Could the courses be training in map simplification and route planning? Maybe! My main intent is fun, though.
This event is FREE for members! Please consider joining/renewing your membership.
Don't forget to sign up to volunteer and pre-register.
See you in the woods!