Rochester Orienteering Club

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Event Director Responsibilities

30 Days before the meet

1. Send e-mail to the course setter, volunteer coordinators (Steve Tylock), equipment manager (Rick and Dayle Lavine), permit/insurance coordinator (Bob Bundy), map printer (Dick Detwiler) and publicity person (Steve Tylock) for future communications. Clear your schedule for meet day from three hours prior to the first start to two hours after the course closes.

2. Work with the course setter to establish a schedule for the completion of courses and printing of maps.

3. Check with permit/insurance coordinator to make sure permits and insurance are in order for the meet.

4. Read over job descriptions of meet volunteers on ROC website.

15 Days before the meet

1. Check with volunteer coordinator regarding status of meet volunteers.

2. Check in with course setter to monitor progress.

3. Contact local park superintendent to check for problems or conflicts with other activities on meet day.

4. Include any special instructions to meet attendees on your forthcoming e-mail to the Info-Line / event website updater.

5 Days before the meet

1. Pick up meet box, SI cards, first aid box, refreshment box, drink jugs, road signs, string-O, permanent map box, cell phone, start/finish banners and club flag from equipment manager and inventory contents. Check for correct size map bags, registration forms, ROC schedules and adequate amounts of drink mix before leaving manager’s house. A list of necessary items is posted at the manager’s wall. Please sign out the items you pick up.

2. Maps should be sent to the map printer and a method of getting the finished maps to the meet site established. Be sure that a safety bearing and ROC Emergency Assistance Help Line phone number are printed on the map. Be sure that enough all controls maps are printed to facilitate an efficient flag pickup.

3. Check again with volunteer coordinator.

4. Send out notice to Info-Line and Tyler Borden for website.

5. Review the meet director checklist and ROC safety plan located in the meet box. Make sure the cell phone is charged prior to meet day.

Day of meet

1. Put out road signs.

2. Arrive at meet site two hours before first start and secure keys for shelter. Hang the club banners and erect the club flag. Prepare separate areas in the lodge for Registration, epunch/results and food. Greet meet workers when they arrive and help them find necessary supplies. Registration should be open a half hour prior to the first start time (for mass starts, aim to have registration open 45 minutes to an hour before the start). Do not start meet until course setter notifies you that all controls are set. Close registration at the appointed time (two hours after first start for Regular meets). Begin control pickup at the appointed time (three and a half hours after first start for Regular meets) 

3. Have the cell phone on your person at all times.

4. Monitor the flow of the meet and be ready to make adjustments if needed. Coordinate timing with volunteers who wish to run a course. Begin to prepare clusters of controls to be assigned to flag pickup volunteers. After controls have been brought in, make sure all e-punch units are accounted for. 

5. Close shelter, collect equipment and return keys and retrieve road signs.

6. Send a short meet write-up to Tyler Borden to post on the ROC website.

Day after meet

1. Arrange to return equipment to manager noting any missing items.

2. Leave $100 in cash box (denominations noted on the cash box) and send the rest in the form of a check to Lindsay Worner, 3394 Edgemere Drive, Rochester NY 14612 along with itemized accounting form located in the meet box.

3. Give waivers to Don Winslow

4. Membership forms to Heidi Hall or Lindsay Worner

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