Rochester Orienteering Club

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Mendon Training Course

  • 12 May 2020
  • 01 Jun 2020
  • Mendon Ponds Park

Mendon Training – Lookout Parking Area

May 9-31, 2020  Course Setter – Linda Kohn

Middle Distance Format

These parts of Mendon aren't used much since they are rather small and aren't easy to access from our usual starting places.  The map in this area has not had as much attention as other more popular running areas.  The woods is fairly open with the green mostly correct.  I found the medium green to be less thick in most areas and the light green areas not as overgrown as they will be by the end of the month.

I did make some map changes, mostly trails, but didn't fuss with the green too much.  I found many of the small green areas didn't make much sense but, again, didn't spend a lot of time analyzing it...it was snowing yesterday when I put out the streamers. 

There are numerous deer trails, many looked very well used and have been added but there are many that aren't on the map.

Course notes:

The course was set with streamers but without too much concern with the course layout.  There are a lot of criss-crosses.  I have included a copy without the connecting lines, may make it easier to read.

A shorter version can easily be made by going from 14 directly to 18.

As always, contact Linda if you have any comments, corrections or questions 434-2674...I will probably be home.

Map w/Lines, Map w/o Lines

Downloading the map serves as agreement to a waiver in which you fully accept all risks and responsibilities for losses, costs and damages you incur as a result of your participation in this event, and that you release the Rochester Orienteering Club, Monroe County and OUSA from any liability. A copy of the waiver is posted here.

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